Friday, August 15, 2008


For some reason I keep having trouble with logging into this blog. Either I just am too dumb and cannot remember the log in or the program is really messed up. Unfortuately on my part, I think It's the first one on my part. I seem to fail at life. Like a lot. So, I suck at that part. And school starts on the 25th. I don't really feel prepared and it also doesn't feel real. And I know I'm worrying about absolutely nothing. I love yellow. It's a bright, happy color. I feel like I disappoint far too much in my life. Or far too many people. I with I kinda...hmm, its not that I don't care, but I have such a mellow, layed back kind of thing, I wish sometimes I was just a little more OCD so I would just go and do stuff. Or get stuff done. I wish one of these posts would be more cheery, but it hasn't happened yet this summer.

1 comment:

Steph said...

school books. Tomorrow. monday. with Jon. In loomis. be there :)