Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies got cancelled!

I'm past the mourning stage, now I'm just sad, though still looking forward to the remaining episodes. But then it will be over. Future plans may happen with a Comic Book, or possibly (I hope) a Movie. Because I don't think a comic book could ever come close to capturing the magic that is PD in its music and colour and actors and everything.

*sigh* :(

And this morning I can't find Dennis. I have no idea where he ran off to.
Still doing homework like always. Though there is a super bon fire tonight at Jake's. I hope that is fun.


Jon Alston said...

Awe, sad, the Daisies is dead (ha ha, like the pun . . . no? oh well).

But I agree, a comic book would suck, especially since I just don't fancy that genre of literature, it bores. Plus, the witting part of the show is that they talk so bloody fast, and you just lose that awesomeness if it is just written down.

I hope they make a movie, or that some other company picks up the show, that would be cool

Steph said...

write new things!!! I always come check your blog and it's old :(